Re: Is anyone else having trouble with the Today function?
Two parts on this: 1) Your first formula attempt should be =IF(Cell@232="2",Today(),"") omitting the = sign before "Today", this should clear up your invalid operation. …1 · -
Re: Using a countif formula across sheets
Have you tried =COUNTIF({7.1 Staff}, "Bocquet")+COUNTIF({7.2 Staff}, "Bocquet")?1 · -
Re: Working on creating an IF statement that has multiple conditions to be met.
Hi @Ian Abee , Give this formula a try: =IF(Progress@row = "Complete", "Blue", IF(AND([Start Date]@row <= TODAY(), Progress@row = "Not Started"), "Yellow", …1 · -
Re: concatenating dates
Try this =[BHI Cell1] + YEAR(Date1) + "." + MONTH(Date1) + "." + DAY(Date1)1 · -
Re: COUNTIF to determine the number of tickets created in a given month.
Try this: =COUNTIFS([Created Date]:[Created Date], >=DATE(2020, 5, 1), [Created Date]:[Created Date], <=DATE(2020, 5, 31))2 ·